Centennial Tower Gatot Subroto
Centennial Tower, Ruang Kantor Di-Jual Harga Rp. 40 juta per sqm, Hubungi : Deny Sugianto – 081314610103
Luas 196 sqm, 196 sqm, 546 sqm, 560 sqm, 214 sqm (1712 sqm)
Centennial Tower, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta
Sewa kantor di Centennial Tower. Hub : Deny Sugianto – 081314610103
Luas 201 sqm, 219 sqm, 508 sqm, 492 sqm, 201 sqm, 492 sqm, 1000 sqm, & 2806
Centennial Tower, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta.
Email : deny.samalona@gmail.com
Building Space
Total lettable area     : 97,585 sqm
Total land area              : 13,140 sqm
Total retail area            : 3,700 sqm
Total number of floor :
17 level of typical floors high zone
17 level of typical office floors low zone
4 floor of parking podium
1 floor of lobby GF
3 level of basement parking area
Typical Office  floor plate : 2800 sqm

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